Astrology | Full Moon in Sagittarius

Full Moon in expansive Sagittarius on Tuesday May 29th, 2018 -  asks us to zoom out + reflect on our journey, identify where we’ve grown + check in with our goals - are they still relevant to who we are today? Sagittarius is a fire sign, representing action + creativity, all about a bird’s eye view + expanding our mindset.  This far out energy sparks an electric polarity as it opposes the airy Gemini Sun – linked with intellectual thought + small, detailed pieces of information. The planets are playing with zooming in (Gemini Sun) + out (Sagittarius Moon), and our work is in making sure our micro world (the tiny pieces that make up our experience) are in service to our big dreams.

While Gemini is useful planning energy, it can be information overload + overwhelming, especially when looking at the big picture. BUT -  it's still an air sign, which is naturally a bit detached + objective - so let's use this air energy to rise above the small pieces of our day, life + world + assume a new, heightened perspective under this Sagittarius Moon.   There’s a play between the elements as Gemini’s air fuels Sagittarian fire – it’s a burning down to make space for the new to arise.

Sagittarius is a forward thinking, seeking energy - inspiring us to explore new aspects of self + the world. It ignites the confidence to follow our curiosity. Now is the time for that leap of faith + to try something new. Don’t be afraid to let go of the past – we are constantly evolving + our wants + needs change too.

There’s also an integrative energy to this Sagittarius/Gemini opposition – as both signs are mutable, meaning they’re associated with the end of the season and the power of change. There’s flexibility + room for transformation, but it’s up to us to harness both energies as two sides of the same coin.

Simply put, this moon is about following your bliss + galloping into the future. It’s about identifying goals that are in alignment with your current vibration + shaking up your routine + habitual patterns to support these dreams.  Allow yourself to shift into a heightened perspective, above day-to-day dramas + fears + the universe will support you in finding new inspiration + opportunities. Perhaps things that once caused fear + anxiety will feel like opportunities + new adventures.

With love + light,
