Astrology | New Moon in Cancer

New Moon/Solar Eclipse sits beautifully at 3 degrees Cancer on July 12/13, 2018 – in Tarot, the number 3 is the Empress, Mother of all life, linked to femininity, fertility + abundance. The promise of what's to come. She's in her power in the natural realm, ruling the seasons + cyclical nature of life on Earth. 

This strong Moon is at home in Cancer, during a Solar eclipse where she physically + energetically blocks the masculine energy of the Sun. She shifts our focus to the feminine (our inner world) + the archetype of mother...and holds space for our intuition + questions about how we nurture ourselves + others. 

In Greek mythology, Selene (goddess of the Moon ), is depicted driving her lunar chariot across the heavens. This chariot image speaks to the energy of the Moon as a container, holding space for soul.  Mother Moon, creating a nurturing, safe space so life (Sun energy) can thrive.

Both Cancer + Moon are linked with the watery, abstract, emotional realms of intuition + what lies beneath the surface. It’s also where we feel safe + nurtured - home + family. Some may feel an indefinable longing, especially if life isn’t offering the kind of support needed to flourish. In this case, we’re asked to check in + consider how we might re-parent + mother ourselves. Start with asking questions like, where are we giving our power away (career, relationships, other responsibilities), at the sacrifice of our own self-care?

We also have several big male energies in retrograde. Saturn (structure + order), Pluto (power + control) + Mars (will + drive) - all retrograde. We can explore this in a macro, personal way or zoom out + consider it from a global perspective. Either way, it’s all slowing down + forcing us to look at institutions + structures on Earth, so we can rework our physical world. And as our feminine aspects step into power, we can create from a place of deep knowing, love + nurture.

There’s a beautiful earth trine happening between Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn + Uranus in Taurus. In esoteric wisdom, Venus + Saturn work together to link the physical plane with the divine plane. And Uranus, the dreamer, is newly grounded in Earthy Taurus – the divine mind is ready to merge with Earth.

Lean into the big changes on offer under this lunation, knowing Mother Moon's seasons are a natural way to tear down + rebuild. As we change + tap deeper into our truth, old structures may no longer fit + this is the messy (not always linear work) of creating a loving, nurturing space to call home + experience life. Be gentle + quiet with self + explore these transitions by spending time alone or surrounded by trusted friends + family.  We’re invited to slow down + begin the alchemizing process of rebuilding in love + truth.